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  • Writer's pictureAndrea Falcinelli

Desci & Desociety: The Programmable Network Future

Updated: Apr 18

Panel Discussion Speaker | CEO Aloega - Vivian Zheng

I am thrilled to guide today's conversation at the crossroads of digital health and decentralized science, or DeSci. Today, we dive into how these innovative fields are sculpting a new era of healthcare more accessible, transparent, and equitable.

In this age, technology’s pivotal role in healthcare cannot be overstated. DeSci, with its promise of leveraging blockchain, AI, and Web3, aims to redefine healthcare's potential, making it universally accessible and fostering global collaboration in medical research. Our distinguished panelists, leaders at the forefront of digital health startups, embody this revolution.

Our discussion will explore the motivations fueling our panelists' journeys, the hurdles they've encountered, and their successes. We'll tackle how AI and blockchain are not just buzzwords but essential tools in creating innovative healthcare solutions that promise a brighter, more inclusive future.

This conversation is an invitation to envision and contribute to a future where healthcare transcends borders and barriers, where data privacy empowers patients, and where the next medical breakthroughs are born from open, transparent collaboration.

Thank you for joining this journey into the heart of innovation in healthcare. Let's embark on this exploration together, uncovering the transformative power of digital health in the age of DeSci.

Dr. Frank Liu

CEO of BGI Group Innovation(BGI is the largest sequencing service provider) , founder and CEO of OPEN BIOBANK

Dr. Frank Liu

Dr. Michael Fischer

Founder of MedTech and DeSciNYC, Stanford undergrad and PhD in computer science.

Dr. Michael Fischer

Ki-Youn Jung

Co-founder & CEO of, MIT Sloan Fellow MBA

Ki-Youn Jung

Dr. Collins Oghor

Co-founder & CEO of Kaüna, MPH Candidate, Harvard University, Cheng Fellow, SICI, Harvard Kennedy School

Dr. Collins Oghor

  • AI and Web3 in Healthcare How do you envision AI and Web3 technologies transforming the healthcare industry, especially in terms of patient care, data management, and medical research?

AI and Web3 technologies are really shaking things up in healthcare. Here’s a closer look:

Patient Care: AI is like a smart assistant for doctors. It looks at lots of health data and finds patterns that might not be obvious. This helps doctors understand health issues better and decide on the best treatment for each patient. Web3 technology adds a layer of safety and control, letting patients manage who gets to see their health records. This means not only is personal health information kept private, but it’s also easier for doctors to get the full picture of a patient’s health history. This leads to better and more personalized care.

Data Management: Think of Web3 as a super-secure locker for health information, where only the patient has the key. This technology protects health records from being seen or changed by anyone who shouldn’t. It makes sharing information between different doctors smooth and secure, improving how well healthcare providers can work together. This also cuts down on mistakes and makes sure everyone involved in a patient's care is on the same page.

Medical Research: AI is a powerhouse when it comes to going through vast amounts of health data quickly. It can spot trends and connections that researchers might not notice, speeding up the discovery of new cures and treatments. Web3 comes into play by making it easier and safer for researchers to share their discoveries with each other. It opens up a space where information can be exchanged freely but securely, encouraging collaboration. This can lead to breakthroughs happening faster and more reliably.

In essence, AI and Web3 are transforming healthcare into a field that’s more tailored to each patient, more secure, and more united in its approach to tackling health issues. They ensure that patient care is more precise and personalized, that health data is kept safe yet easily shareable among trusted professionals, and that the journey from research to real-world treatments is quicker and more efficient.

  • Core Principles What are the foundational principles of DeSci and DeSociety, and how do they aim to reshape the landscape of scientific research and societal structures?

The core principles of DeSci (Decentralized Science) and DeSociety (Decentralized Society) aim to fundamentally transform how scientific research is conducted and how societies are structured, emphasizing transparency, inclusivity, and collaboration.

DeSci Principles

1. Transparency and Openness DeSci advocates for making research findings, data, and methodologies openly available. This principle aims to increase the reproducibility of scientific studies and accelerate innovation by allowing others to build on existing work without barriers.

2. Decentralization: By leveraging blockchain and other Web3 technologies, DeSci decentralizes the control over scientific research, funding, and publishing. This reduces the influence of traditional gatekeepers such as publishers and funding bodies, enabling a more democratic distribution of resources and recognition.

3. Collaboration: DeSci fosters a collaborative environment where scientists across the globe can work together seamlessly, sharing data and insights in real-time. This principle aims to break down silos within the scientific community, encouraging cross-disciplinary research and innovation.

4. Incentivization: DeSci introduces new models for funding and rewarding scientific contributions, including microtransactions and tokenization. These models aim to provide direct incentives for researchers and contributors, promoting a more equitable and efficient allocation of resources.

DeSociety Principles

1. Decentralized Governance: DeSociety emphasizes the distribution of decision-making power among its members, rather than central authorities. This principle supports more democratic and flexible governance structures that can adapt to the needs and inputs of the community.

2. Economic Empowerment: Through the use of cryptocurrencies and decentralized financial (DeFi) tools, DeSociety aims to create more inclusive economic systems that provide equal opportunities for participation and benefit sharing.

3. Privacy and Security: DeSociety prioritizes the protection of individual privacy and data security, employing blockchain technology to ensure that personal information is safeguarded and individuals have control over their own data.

4. Community Engagement: Central to DeSociety is the idea that communities should have a say in the issues that affect them. This principle encourages active participation and engagement from all members, fostering a sense of ownership and responsibility towards collective outcomes.

Both DeSci and DeSociety seek to leverage the power of decentralization to make scientific research more open, collaborative, and accessible, while also envisioning a society where power and resources are more evenly distributed. By adhering to these principles, they aim to create a more equitable and efficient world where the barriers to knowledge and opportunity are lowered, and where individuals and communities are empowered to contribute to and benefit from collective progress.

The adoption of DeSci (Decentralized Science) and DeSociety (Decentralized Society) initiatives on a global scale presents a unique set of challenges and opportunities that could reshape the future of scientific research and societal organization.

  • Challenges and Opportunities What do you perceive as the most significant challenges and opportunities for the adoption of DeSci and DeSociety initiatives on a global scale?


1. Technological Literacy and Accessibility: One significant challenge is ensuring widespread technological literacy and access. DeSci and DeSociety heavily rely on blockchain and Web3 technologies, which may be inaccessible or difficult to understand for some, especially in under-resourced regions.

2. Regulatory and Legal Hurdles: The decentralized nature of these initiatives often clashes with existing regulatory frameworks and legal systems. Developing comprehensive guidelines that accommodate the innovative aspects of DeSci and DeSociety while ensuring safety and ethical standards is a complex task.

3. Cultural and Institutional Resistance: There may be resistance from traditional institutions and societal norms. Academic institutions, publishers, and even governmental structures entrenched in conventional ways of operating may be slow to accept or actively resist decentralization.

4. Security and Privacy Concerns: While DeSci and DeSociety prioritize data privacy and security, the technologies involved are not immune to threats. Ensuring the integrity and security of decentralized networks against hacks, fraud, and misuse is a constant challenge.


1. Democratization of Knowledge and Power: DeSci and DeSociety offer the opportunity to democratize knowledge and distribute power more equitably. By removing gatekeepers, these initiatives can facilitate a more inclusive and participatory approach to scientific research and societal governance.

2. Increased Collaboration and Innovation: The open and decentralized nature of these initiatives promotes collaboration across borders and disciplines. This can lead to more innovative solutions to scientific and societal problems, as diverse perspectives and expertise are brought together.

3. Transparency and Trust: Decentralized systems can offer greater transparency in processes and decision-making, which in turn can build trust among participants. In science, this means more reliable and verifiable research outcomes; in society, it means governance structures that are more accountable to their constituents.

4. Financial Inclusion and Empowerment: DeSociety initiatives, through DeFi and tokenization, can offer new ways for individuals to access financial services, own assets, and be rewarded for their contributions, potentially reducing economic disparities.

The successful adoption of DeSci and DeSociety initiatives hinges on navigating these challenges while maximizing the opportunities. This requires a concerted effort from all stakeholders researchers, technologists, policymakers, and the global community to cultivate an environment where decentralized science and society can thrive, leading to a more open, equitable, and collaborative world.

Vivian Zheng

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